A puzzling story
This is a story I have wanted to tell but my writing time is currently being spent on my Book "The Dog Days of Dixon" so here's the short version. Jeannie (DAPS" Ex. Dir.) was opening the weekly mail and found a personal letter that she assumed was a donation from one of our regulars. She didn't recognize the return address but found it was indeed a donation. Jim and Judy are avid jigsaw puzzlers who pass the time during the cold Chicago winter doing puzzles. Their daughter has lived in New Mexico and they so enjoyed their visits here that they purchased the Springbok Route 66 Series puzzle, of our beloved Gas Station Museum in Embudo, online. (Springbok has produced a series of puzzles with locations of interest along route 66.) When they finished the puzzle they noticed a little box, with a sign on it, dead center in the puzzle image. It reads "Donations accepted on behalf of the Dixon Animal Protection Society." Johnnie doesn't charge admission to his astonishing museum but accepts donations and during the holiday presents DAPS with his annual gift. The museum is an amazing collection of antique gas station paraphernalia. And I do mean amazing! Room after room filled to the brim. If you are ever in the area it is a must visit! So, back to Jim and Judy; when they finished the puzzle they, being animal lovers themselves, looked us up when they saw the donation box in the puzzle. How cool is that?! We didn't know this puzzle existed or that Johnnie carried them. He happened upon the puzzle at Hobby Lobby one day not knowing that one of the many photographers who had visited over the years apparently sold a photo to Springbok! That sure took him buy surprise! And so did our generous donation from Chicago! Gratitude to Johnnie and Springbok!