Rough Summer here

We have seen many hit by cars and it is a bad Parvovirus year. Distemper too. They do seem to come in waves though we haven't seen much of either in years past.  All of our traps are out for feral cats. Seeing lots of those too! The puppies are scheduled for transfer to a puppy rescue in CO! They are now 9 weeks, super sweet and getting big!  First vaccines done thanks to our fabulous local vet Dr. Kim! We have 2 Dr. Kims we work with and both out of Salazar Vet in Taos. Kim H. lives here in Dixon and is a godsend! We continue with educating and promoting spay and neuter to keep the unwanted puppy/kitten populations down but it is an uphill battle! At least the ones we save are healthy and will be in good homes where spay/neuter is required. It is a huge undertaking to feed and raise 8 large breed pups! Any donations are so gratefully accepted. Please go to our donate page and give what you can. The puppies say "Thanks!"